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“The most convenient scholarship platform, ever.”
Janice won $2,000 Class of 2022
“The 1-Click Apply feature is a game changer.”
Anthony won $500 Class of 2024
“To anyone who needs scholarships, do yourself a favor and use this platform.”
Ria won $750 Class of 2025
Built by two undergrads to…


Before Scholarful…
On average:
90 minutes to apply for $500
With Scholarful…

1-Click Apply for $10,000 in 10 minutes or less. Start Applying Now

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…with more opportunities added weekly!

Scholarships for the 21st century.

We’ve done the hard work of convincing thousands of scholarship providers to let you 1-Click Apply for their opportunities, so you can sit back, relax, and watch your awards grow.